
Man does weighted Split Squats to help improve Quadricep strength.

The thigh muscles are a large part of the lower part of our bodies. Every one wants to have strong legs and most guys live to have toned and defined thighs. This is something that is relatively easy to attain with a good work ethic and consistency. The thigh muscle or quadricep muscle is a key muscles when lifting lower body lifts like deadlift and especially squat but also they help with power and explosiveness like when starting off a sprint or riding a bike for long periods of time. Box Jumps, Bulgarian Split Squat, Barbell Front Squat, Goblet Squat, Weighted or Unweighted Box Squats, Wall Sits, and Walking Lunges are all huge lifts that will help increase muscle strength and growth. Incorporating these workouts into your weekly workout plan will increase the strength in your thighs as well as your overall lower body strength.