
8 Benefits of Skipping Rope You Should Know
A woman jumping rope strengthening her calves.

The Calf muscle is often forgotten because of how small it is. In reality the calf muscles propel us forward with every step and are two of the most used muscles in our body. We use the calves everyday often without knowing. Some reasons to increase your strength in your calves are you will become faster, you will develop a more consistent pace, you will be able to jump higher, and you will be able to run longer. Some exercises to help with this are Straight & Bent Knee Calf Raises, Seated Calf Raises, Box Jumps, Jump Rope, Dumbbell Jump Squats, and Farmers Walks on your Toes. My personal Favorite is the Jump Rope because it builds muscles strength and stamina in the legs and calves. It’s strengthening muscles while incorporating some cardio into your workout.