Bench Press

Everyone knows what the Bench Press is. It’s by far one of the most well known lift in the world and everyone wants to be good at it. It’s not a shock everyone wants to be good at this lift it gets you looking big fast and looks really good for the girls when your laying there cranking out reps. The secret to having a good bench press comes from a lot of different aspects though, and it has to be taken seriously, because just like in any lifting scenario you can hurt your self if you perform the wrong technique or if you’re just being flat out dumb.

Bench press
The proper way to perform Bench Press

First before you put yourself under the bar you want to make sure your focusing your strength to the chest, shoulders, and triceps areas. when addressing the bar make sure to have you feet planted firmly on the ground and try to have your shoulder blades pinched back and touching with a slight arch in your back. Grip the bar firmly and lift it off the rack either by yourself or with a spotters help. Always have a spotter with you when doing core lift workouts or any lift that might be to heavy for you to complete, like in a maxing situation.

When you have the form down and start to add more weight to the bar remember its not a competition so don’t go looking around the room for someone to out-do. You should work at your own pace, the strength will build up and you’ll be the strongest person in the gym in no time but don’t rush yourself, this can lead to enjoys and that just means you will lose the gains you’ve been working so hard to attain.