
Conventional Deadlift: Video Exercise Guide & Tips
Man performs an RDL with perfect form and depth.

The hamstring is a very important part of your lower body. It helps stabilize your knees and your hips and they’re huge contributors in your movement and range of motion. A strong hamstring is very important whether you’re in sports or like to lift. This muscle is very important in everyones bodies. To strengthen the hamstring try doing some of these workouts: Straight Leg Deadlift, Hamstring Curls with resistance bands, Air Squats, Pistol Squats, Single arm Kettlebell Swings, RDL’s or Romanian Deadlift, Glute Ham Raises, and the Cardio Row. Strengthening the hamstring will help you in a lot of areas. It will help you run faster, improve explosiveness, improve posture, and prevent future leg injury’s from occurring. Lastly it’s also important to stretch the hamstrings before and at the end of the workouts, because stretching them will prevent them from the risk of strain and future injury.