
The glutes/buttocks muscles are the most important muscles in the lower body. Your overall power, strength and speed all come from the buttocks muscles. This is why they are so helpful to train when you are playing virtually any sport. The buttocks muscles are the biggest muscles used in your lifts like Squat, Deadlift, Box Jumps, and Kettlebell Swings. Some lifts to help strengthen these muscles so you can improve on your other lifts and increase your power and speed output are: The basic Squat, Leg Press, Single Leg Deadlift, Pistol Squats, Bulgarian Split Squat, and Step Ups. These auxiliary work outs will strengthen your buttocks so you can increase in strength, speed, power, and mobility.

“honing strength and activating your glutes should be a top priority in all exercise programs,”

~Robert Reames, C.S.C.S.