
Do Skull Crushers With Perfect Form - Skull Crusher Workout
What the skull crusher should look like when at the bottom of the lift.

The Triceps are a very influential part of your arm. It is the main muscle in the arm that improve your bench press lift and others like it. Plus these muscles looks awesome when you flex them. People often think that the bicep is the most important muscle on the arm. That’s why so many guys tend to focus on doing curls nonstop so that their biceps are huge but their triceps are left weak and unreliable. Then they wonder why some people out lift them in areas of weightlifting. Well its because the triceps are a huge contributor as well. Some of the best ways to strengthen those triceps muscles are Dumbbell kickbacks, Triangle Pushups, Dips, and Skull Crushers. Skull Crushers are probably my favorite lift because they look awesome and you can do them with a partner. To perform this lift you will be laying down on a bench with a bar in your hands. Put your arms out in front of you and slowly lower the bar toward your head till your arms are at a 90 degree angle. Then press that bar back up to the top where your arms are straight out in front of you.


Having strong shoulders is something that most people and especially guys want to have. Whether your attempting to tone them to look amazing in the bro tank or strengthening them for strength gain purposes. Strong shoulders are something everyone should have. Shoulder exercises can prevent some pretty regular sports injury like hurt rotator cuffs and sprained AC joints. If you have stronger shoulders it will prevent your risk of injury while playing sports and attempting heavy lifts. It will also increase your ability top lift heavier weights. Some lifts to keep in mind are Overhead Barbell Push Press, Military Press (with a Barbell or a Dumbbell), Dumbbell Incline Row, Upright Rows, and Arnold Presses. My personal Favorite is the Arnold press. This lift you will take two dumbbells and hold them in front of you wrists facing in, then rotating while pressing up, and when pressed fully at the top the wrists should be fully faced outward. Then return them back down rotating them back toward the body and repeat.


Woman doing a good wrist twist work out with a towel.

The Fore arms are some of my favorite thing to work on. I love the feeling and the burn you feel when your working out the arms and your forearms start to really work. The forearm muscles are a fun muscle to work and are really important even though some may not think so. The forearms are the main source of your grip strength. With a strong grip strength you will be able to perform a lot of lifts at heavier weights. Whether its dumbbells or a bar and performing deadlift, Hangclean, or Bench Press. Some work outs to try out to improve your forearm strength are: Farmers walks, Wrist Curls, as well as Wrist Twists, and Pull ups over hand and under hand.


How To Do The Chest-Building Dumbbell Flye | Coach
The dumbbell flye being properly performed on a bench.

The chest is a very large part of our bodies and a lot of our power for other lifts comes from this specific area. Some Chest auxiliaries that can help maximize the muscle and strengthen it are Barbell, Dumbbell, and Standard Bench Press; Incline Dumbbell Press and Incline Dumbbell Flyes; Cable Cross Overs along with a Chest Machine Press. The most known Chest auxiliary is the Dumbbell Flye. The Flye is when you have two like weighted dumbbells’ and you have both arms extended out while you’re laying down on a bench. You will then bring those dumbbells’ up and over top of you while holding your arms straight out with a slight elbow bend.


Man Curls a moderate weight to gain muscle mass and tone his bicep muscles.

Biceps are easily some of the most known parts of a persons body that people enjoy to work on. Every guy wants huge biceps to impress the females. The secret to big biceps is consistency. Curls are obviously the most well-know workout to increase bicep size. Curling once a week won’t get the job done, you need to curl, curl, curl, curl. The key to bigger arms is repetition. To keep a consistent burn on the muscle to keep the mass and tone up. Some other workouts to help are Barbell curls, Chin-Ups, EZ-Bar curls, Hammer curl, Incline dum-bell curl, Reverse-grip Bent-over Row, Cable curl, Concentration Curl.